The “Why” of “Who are you?”: Building Your Personal Brand

Written by: Elisa Fontanillas, Account Management Intern (she/her)

In the process of structuring our personal narrative, we often find ourselves attempting to pinpoint who we truly are. Whether the question comes about in an interview, while networking, in social situations, or because you’re doing some light soul-searching, defining who you are never stops. But how do you find the best response to “Who are you?” or “Tell me about yourself”? Even if you shiver away from answering these questions, the truth is that knowing how to say who you are as a way of building your personal brand is important.

A personal brand lets you think of yourself as a company, complete with a tagline and all. You know, how Nike has “Just Do It,” and Coca-Cola with “Open Happiness.” This short phrase captures a brand essence in just a few words. It’s clear and concise, describing values and goals in a way that can easily be communicated to others. For example, I love using the statement of being “Bright, Bold, & Full of Color.” I even used it in the interview for my RFH internship: “I often like to say that my personal brand follows the lines of being ‘bright, bold, and full of color,’ hence my pink shirt and passion for the work I do day in and day out.” Once you find that statement that tells a person who you are in a few short words, it’s easy to stay consistent when it comes to structuring your personal narrative.

If there’s anything that I’ve learned, it’s that knowing what to say about who you are holds a strong social currency: it can take you far, and acts as a jumping off point for conversations. In the age-old battle of trying to stand out when people are trying to fit in, knowing what captures your essence in a few short words is important, especially when going through interviews and starting out at a new place.

Having a personal tagline allows me to be grounded in my beliefs, goals, and values. By sitting down and digging deep into what motivates me, what my passions and interests are, how I lead, and how I work in team settings, I’ve been able to go through this summer with a solid understanding of who I am, even while encountering new experiences in my position. I’ve built a narrative about myself, and I’ve been able to hold onto it through the experience of being an Account Management intern. Having confidence in what I stand for and who I am allows me to continue finding joy in everyday work, even when facing new challenges and combatting imposter syndrome.

A personal brand can hold true in all aspects of life, and I genuinely believe it has allowed my confidence to grow and solidify, simply because I can say best, that this is who I am. It’s never too early to start thinking about what you define as your personal brand and leverage it, even as college students. At the end of the day, you have the power to define your tagline and overall vibe, so take advantage of that power and decide how you can use it in school, in your internship, and beyond.

Are you just graduating college? Are you wanting to make a career change? Or maybe you’re looking for a place to start your career? Check out our open roles to see if we have something that sounds like you. We know you are not your resume, we understand you are not your work, and we respect that you are so much more than a job description. You are you. So come be you and do you with us.

Devon Stewart