Account Management Co-Op: Strategies for Success

Written by: Veronica Policarpio, Account Coordinator Co-Op (she/her)

Last fall, I began my journey here at Razorfish Health (RFH) as an Account Coordinator Co-Op. As a marketing major with a background in retail, I realized that some of my greatest strengths were being able to comfortably interact with new people and grow connections. These traits led me to pursue an Account Management co-op in hopes of growing my client services skills and learning more about the advertising industry. 

Since September of 2022, I have worked on several account teams at RFH, learning the ins and outs of how to manage client relationships, while also supporting day-to-day workflow. During this time, I discovered that my favorite part about being in Account Management is being able to reach, connect, and support so many people! So far, I have been able to contribute on a variety of projects related to creating resources that educate healthcare providers and patients. Predominantly working in Access & Reimbursement, I was shocked and excited to learn of a team specifically dedicated to helping educate people on affording their medications.  

Each day at Razorfish Health brings new and exciting insights that I would not have learned in a classroom setting. Early on in my co-op experience, I found that the top skills for success are having initiative, strong time management, attention to detail, and personality.  

  • Initiative is necessary to succeed, as it shows your teammates that you want to help improve productivity.   

  • Time Management is needed in most jobs, but essential when you are juggling various projects and people.  

  • Attention to Detail is critical when working with clients and various teams. Daily, account managers are tasked with taking notes and speaking in back-to-back meetings, while also juggling additional tasks throughout the day.  

  • Personality is what makes you stand out. When in the business of people, you have to understand, connect, and captivate your audience—which includes your peers, coworkers, and clients! 

I have found that the key to maximizing your time as a co-op is to stay organized, be eager to learn, and network with everyone you come across. RFH has such an amazing environment filled with people who are there to support you! Don’t ever be afraid of asking “dumb” questions because everyone has been in your shoes and is willing to guide you! This program is such a unique experience—one that brings feelings of independence and responsibility, while also allowing you to absorb more information than you would during a regular summer internship.

As my time at RFH comes to an end, I am grateful for the mentors and leaders who have paved the way for early careers to learn and grow. I now know the value of first impressions and the importance of building relationships with people in and outside of your team. With so many different backgrounds and sources of knowledge at RFH, there is always something new to learn! Growing up, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do in my future aside from helping others. I have not only learned lessons to apply in the classroom, but have also gathered so much information that I will take into the future of my career.  

Are you just graduating college? Are you wanting to make a career change? Or maybe you’re looking for a place to start your career? Check out our open roles to see if we have something that sounds like you. We know you are not your resume, we understand you are not your work, and we respect that you are so much more than a job description. You are you. So come be you and do you with us.

Paula Cuerquis